Instructions For the Authors

Manuscripts are submitted via (OJS) system (Make A Submission).

Manuscripts intended for the journal may be written in Finnish, English, German or Swedish. The editorial staff approves manuscripts for publication after they have been reviewed by a referee. The recommended length of an article is approximately 15 pages (A4). All manuscripts must include an summary in English not over one page in length. The author is responsible for having the language of a foreign-language article checked. A certificate of translation or language checking must be included with the manuscript. The text should not be hyphenated and it should contain minimal formatting. The font size is 12, the font type is Times New Roman and spacing between rows is 1.5.


The article should contain footnotes without a separate list of sources. The font size of the single-spaced footnotes is 10. All the bibliographical information of a book must be given the first time it is mentioned. The name of the source is written in italics, the title of the article enclosed in quotation marks and the referenced pages given, separated by a comma. For example:

  • Robert Bideleux and Ian Jeffries, A History of Eastern Europe. Crisis and Change. Routledge, London and New York 2001, 110–112.
  • Kristina Brazaitis, ”Donelaitis Viewed through Rose-tinted Glasses: Did Johannes Bobrowski Misread the Lithuanian Bard?”. Journal of Baltic Studies, Volume XXXV, Number 1, Spring 2004, 54–55.
  • Silviu Miloiu, ”The Csangos of Romanian Moldavia”. The Forgotten Minorities of Eastern Europe – The History and Today of Selected Ethnic Groups in Five Countries. Edited by Arno Tanner. East-West Books, Helsinki 2004, 133.
  • Helene Cooper, ”Rice Clashes With Russian on Kosovo and Missiles”. The New York Times 31.5.2007.

Subsequent references to a book:

  • Bideleux and Jeffries 2001, 115.
  • Brazaitis 2004, 59–62.
  • Miloiu 2004, 148–149.

In the case of unprinted sources the document must be identified and archive information given in sufficient detail. For example:

  • Minute by Esmond Ovey, 26.1.1922, FO 371/8104, N762/82/63, Public Record Office (PRO), London.

These instructions may be applied at the author’s discretion to other categories of material. The authors themselves are responsible for the content of their articles, the correctness of the references and the copyrights of reprinted material.


Faravid appears two times a year (in spring and in autumn). Manuscripts must be submitted in electronic form as doc(x) files. Manuscripts must be at the editorial office by December 1 (spring issue) or by June 1 (autumn issue).


Each author receives three copies of the publication free of charge. Faravid’s articles are noted in Historical Abstracts. The journal is also included in EBSCO’s electronic distributional material.

The articles are published also as open publications by the open access principle on the platform. The Association has the right to publish the articles as a printed book and in electronic form on the internet.

Articles published in Faravid can be uploaded as green open access to universities' electronic repositories immediately after publishing.